Monday, October 18, 2010

Opening Remarks

Bonjour toute le monde,

My name is Roxanne Oduro a.k.a Elizabeth Polite. I am a student currently attending Fletcher's Meadow Secondary School. (FMSS). My hobbies include hanging out with family and friends, reading, and listening to music. My goal in life is to be a Lawyer, Child/Youth care worker, or maybe even an Actress (I still haven't made up my mind yet).  I am a shy and quiet person. I decided to take drama class to overcome my shyness and stage fright. Last year, I took Grade 9 drama class and I had great classmates and a great teacher as well. This year, I am very fortunate to be in a grade 10 drama Acting for T.V. and Film class and so far, it's been amazing. In the past, I had been in 4 plays. Three of these plays,  happened at my church. I was  apart of a Christmas play back in 2002. In 2004 and 2005, I was apart of two plays, but I was apart of the choir.  The last play I was in was back in Grade 7. By taking this course, I hope I get to make new friends, gain confidence, and learn more acting skills.

My favorite quote is Live, Laugh, Love. I try to live by this quote everyday of my life. I believe you should live everyday and enjoy life because you don't know when it is your last day-tomorrow is not promised. You should laugh to have fun and relax sometimes. You should love everyone and treat everyone with respect and fairness.
This is my first time blogging. I've read a few blogs in the past but never created one. I hope to inspire my readers, gain experience in blogging and have fun.

Live. Laugh. Love.

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