Saturday, February 26, 2011

You Scored as Arts, Entertainment, and Media

Jobs in this Field: Actors, Directors, Producers, Advertising and Marketing, Announcers, Barbers, Cosmetologists, Broadcast and Sound Technicians, Choreographers, Designers, Coaches, Musicians, News Analysts, Reporters, Photographers, Visual Artists, Writers and Editors

Arts, Entertainment, and Media
Education and Social Service
General Management and Support
Business Detail
Recreation, Travel, and Other Personal Services
Medical and Health Services
Sales and Marketing
Law, Law Enforcement, and Public Safety
Science, Math, and Engineering
Mechanics, Installers, and Repairers
Plants and Animals
Construction, Mining, and Drilling
Industrial Production

Saturday, November 20, 2010

PSA-Child Trafficking

Did you know that an estimated 2.5 million children, the majority of them girls, are sexually exploited in the multibillion dollar commercial sex industry? Or did you know that an estimated 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year. The number of U.S. citizens trafficked within the country is even higher, with an estimated 200,000 American children at risk for trafficking into the sex industry? Or did you hear that in 2006 there were only 5,808 prosecutions and 3,160 convictions throughout the world. This means that for every 800 people trafficked, only one person was convicted in 2006. These are statistics of Child Trafficking.

Our latest project in my Acting for T.V. and film class was PSA's. For those who don't know what a PSA is, a PSA is a Public Service Announcement. Public Service Announcements raises awareness about many problems happening around the world (i.e. Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, e.t.c)

My PSA was on Child Trafficking. Now some of you may be asking, what is Child Trafficking? Child Trafficking is the transporting, harbouring, selling or buying of a child through slavery, prostitution, or illicit activities. Some people think that Child trafficking only happens in certain countries but the truth is-it happens EVERYWHERE. Children are trafficked for four main reasons: exploitation, drugs, slavery, and army. Our group decided to do this topic for our PSA because there isn't enough awareness about it. I even asked some people if they knew what child trafficking is and they didn't even know. That shows you how much people knew about the topic, which is why we need to spread the word and tell people so we can all try to end it.When I was researching Child Trafficking, I was shocked at all the statistics I've read. Here I am, complaining about life and school work whereas there's other children who are around my age group being used and abused for all the wrong things when they should be getting their education NOT selling drugs or being used for pornography. But there's always a solution. We can speak up against child trafficking. We can even help stop these dirty minded criminals from forcing children to do their dirty work. If we all join together, we can make a difference and help save those children and many other children from being trafficked.

Children should not be used like this. Children should have the opportunity to enjoy their childhood and not have to be slaves. Be involved and put an end to child trafficking. Speak up. Speak up against Child Trafficking.

Live. Laugh. Love. And End Child Trafficking.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A WICKED Musical

Do you like musicals? When was the last time you saw a REALLY good musical? Well, if  you like musicals but keep on seeing disappointing musicals then I have the perfect musical for you to see: Wicked.

When I first heard about this play, I thought that there would be witchcraft and my mom is defintely against it. But when I saw they play, good prevails at the end. This Musical is the prologue to The Wizard Of Oz. Before Dorthy showed up in Oz, there was The Wicked Witch of the west, named Elpheba and the Good Witch Glinda. Glinda was a beautiful and popular girl, whereas Elpheba was misunderstood due to the fact that her skin was green and because of her mysterious powers. Everyone though she was evil and judged her which is the reason why she had no friends and her father disliked her. I learned that its not good to judge people without getting to know them first. It doesn't matter what's on the outside-its what matters on the inside. Imagine if we were living in a world where everyone was prejudice Would we all get along? That's why its important to not judge people and get to know someone before you make accusations.

Besides the storyline, what really made me have an aha moment while watching the musical was the lights and the set. When I was watching the play, I realized how the set, and the lights really have an effect on the play. Without these elements, you won't be able to attract the audience and keep their  interest on the play. Everything about the play, from the characters to the set, you could see that they made a lot of effort to make this play perfect. The music was great as well. You could feel the emotion in some of the songs which helped me learned how the characters felt and what they are trying to tell the audience. Best of all was the characterization. The acting was amazing and you could really tell all of the actor's personalities. From watching the actors perform, I learned how it is important to get into character and study how your character and understand how they act along with other characters.

I highly recommend people to watch this play. Wicked is not just a musical. You learn life lessons from the story such as not judging others and good always prevail. Also, you get to see how the music, set and lights really contribute to the play and helps keep the audience amused and leave them wanting more. Believe me, when you watch this play, you'll Live as you see this wonderful musical, Laugh at the funny parts of the play and Love the show.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Are YOU Thankful For What You've Got?

Read the picture to your left. Do you suddenly realize that you are fortunate than others in the world right now?  It wasn't until I read this poster that I realized that I am more fortunate than others. Don't get me wrong-I tend to complain about what I need. But after awhile, you realize that everything you have is right in front of you. So why do we complain?

 I think we as humans are needy. We need many things to help satisfy our lives. We can stop complaining about what we don't have and thank god for everything we do have. Life is more difficult in developing countries. Some countries don't let girls get their education whereas here in Canada, anyone can get their education. Even if you're 30 years old you can still go back to school and get a degree in any career of your choice. People in developing countries don't have as much opportunities as we do. But we sometimes don't even realize the great opportunities that we have, even if its smacking us RIGHT in the face. So, is there a way to stop complaining?

Well, we can stop complaining by thanking god for everything we have. We can also give back to those who have less than we do. There are many organizations that help the less unfortunate (Salvation army, UNICEF, e.t.c). I believe by being thankful and giving back to others can help us discover what we are truly blessed with.

Sometimes we don't even realize that some people in the world don't have everything that we have or the same privileges as us. That's why we should stop complaining about what we DON'T HAVE and be thankful for what we DO HAVE.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Recently in my Acting for T.V. and Film class, we started commercials. Each of us got to choose a script for a commercial and we had a chance to record it. My commercial is called The Accessory Spot. It was a good choice for me because I wear a lot of accessories and I like to shop at Claire's and Ardene. Since this commercial was about an accessory store, I decided to watch some commercials advertising their store.

Watching commercials helps you to understand how you should present a product or service. For example, if  you advertising about a special shampoo, then it is best to watch shampoo commercials such as Head & Shoulders, Pantene, or TRESemmé to get an idea on how to present your commercial. Also, I learned when doing my commercial, you have to sell it. You can't just stand there and talk about why you should shop here or buy this. You have to pretend as if you're persuading your best friend that what your advertising is the best thing that will ever happen to them. Another thing that's important for commercials is your props. You need props and logos for your commercial, especially if you are advertising a product. Without your prop, you will not be able to convince your audience to buy the product. Without your logo, no one will pay attention to the brand. Logos also help people to remember the product/service. Last but not least, the most important thing about doing commercials is MEMORIZING YOUR LINES. Lucky for me, I have a good memory so I was able to remember my lines the night before.

Doing commercials can be a bit of a challenge. Just as long as you are confident in what you are selling/advertising about. All you need to do is relax and have fun. After performing my commercial, I actually thought it was fun to do. Maybe I'll decide to do a commercial one day....

Live. Laugh. Love.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Branding-What is it?

In my Acting for T.V. and Film class, we got the opportunity to do branding. In my class, we were split into two groups. My group was Enigma Productions. The other group was Prolific Productions. Enigma means a mystery: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. To me, enigma means a inexplicable occurrence that requires thinking for its solution by uncracking the code.

For branding, we had to come up with the name of our group, our cooperate colors, mission and value statements, business cards and many other things to make us look like an legit company. During this process, some parts were easy, other parts were difficult. We had to also create a website, playbills, menus, and business cards.

On the day we presented, things were a little bit crazy. The audience had to wait a little bit due to technical difficulties. There was also a little bit of craziness backstage. We were trying to run around backstage, which was packed with all of our materials and food, getting people's orders. Some of the adjudicators and audience members  had to wait a few minutes for their tea due to the fact we had forgotten to boil water earlier and we had little amount of water to boil. Besides all the craziness that happened, we managed to put a smile on our faces and pretend that everything was fine and pull off an successful event. Prolific Productions did an amazing job as well.

The Branding process requires a lot of  work and effort. Our group took time to make sure this event was a success. My group members had a few arguments but in the end, we managed to put all our differences aside and make our presentation wonderful. In the end, our group was close to winning, but the other team won. After our presentation, I really didn't mind if my team won or if Prolific won. I was just glad that it was over and I got to experience something that I never did before. So now my class is Prolific Productions. Although branding is a tiring and hard working process, it is fun to do and I highly recommend people to try it.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Opening Remarks

Bonjour toute le monde,

My name is Roxanne Oduro a.k.a Elizabeth Polite. I am a student currently attending Fletcher's Meadow Secondary School. (FMSS). My hobbies include hanging out with family and friends, reading, and listening to music. My goal in life is to be a Lawyer, Child/Youth care worker, or maybe even an Actress (I still haven't made up my mind yet).  I am a shy and quiet person. I decided to take drama class to overcome my shyness and stage fright. Last year, I took Grade 9 drama class and I had great classmates and a great teacher as well. This year, I am very fortunate to be in a grade 10 drama Acting for T.V. and Film class and so far, it's been amazing. In the past, I had been in 4 plays. Three of these plays,  happened at my church. I was  apart of a Christmas play back in 2002. In 2004 and 2005, I was apart of two plays, but I was apart of the choir.  The last play I was in was back in Grade 7. By taking this course, I hope I get to make new friends, gain confidence, and learn more acting skills.

My favorite quote is Live, Laugh, Love. I try to live by this quote everyday of my life. I believe you should live everyday and enjoy life because you don't know when it is your last day-tomorrow is not promised. You should laugh to have fun and relax sometimes. You should love everyone and treat everyone with respect and fairness.
This is my first time blogging. I've read a few blogs in the past but never created one. I hope to inspire my readers, gain experience in blogging and have fun.

Live. Laugh. Love.